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A Sabacc Journey: Crafting Mini-Games in 'Star Wars Outlaws'

Jean-Baptiste Siraudin  (Game Designer, Ubisoft)

Location: Room 2005, West Hall

Date: Friday, March 21

Time: 11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Design

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Star Wars Outlaws is an action-adventure open-world game immersing players in a lesser-known part of the Star Wars universe, telling stories of the underworld, scoundrels and corruption. While roaming the galaxy, players can take part in various mini-games, which represent an important part of the Scoundrel Fantasy but also are a compelling progression tool.

This session explores the creative process and challenges the team at Ubisoft Paris Studio went through to create compelling mini-games in Star Wars Outlaws, focusing on the most famous card game in the galaxy: Sabacc. From creating the ruleset to overcoming to implementing diegetic mini-games in an open-world game, the session will delve in the main steps of development that made this implementation a success.


Attendees will learn how to create mini-games in a AAA open-world game that are relevant to the fantasy and feel compelling. This talk will have a holistic approach of creating such content, starting from defining a direction, communicating it to a diverse team of developers, and implementing it in-game.

Intended Audience

This talk is aimed at developers working on activities of all kinds, as well as for anyone interested in learning about design and direction processes. No prerequisite knowledge is required.

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