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Advanced Physics in 'ASTRO BOT'

Takumi Yoshida  (Senior Game Programmer, Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Design, Programming

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

This talk will explain the physics technology used in ASTRO BOT. In addition to traditional rigid body simulation, ASTRO BOT uses many advanced physics technologies that utilize the processing power of the PS5. For example, abundance of shiny gems in treasure cave, water flowing along the terrain, and balloons that deform with the weight of the player. Players can interact with these elements and feel delicate haptics feedback. Team ASOBI developed these gimmicks with the aim of creating toy-like interactions that are fun, pleasant, and satisfying just by touching them. This talk will provide implementation details for a large number of physics objects, fluids, soft bodies, cloth, and real-time destruction, as well as gameplay use cases and optimization techniques.


Attendees will learn how to implement advanced physics simulation techniques such as fluids, soft bodies, and real-time destruction used in ASTRO BOT and see examples of their use in games.

Intended Audience

This talk is aimed at physics programmers and designers looking to use advanced physics simulation in their games.

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