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Animation Summit: Bones and Booleans: Microtalks

Frank Gordon  (Realization Lead, That's No Moon)

Max Gariepy  (Senior Technical Animation Designer, That's No Moon)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Visual Arts

Format: Panel

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

Welcome to the second season of Bones & Booleans! We have gathered experts from around the industry to talk about Motion Matching & it's applications - expect to see several short microtalks going into some details of the technical or practical applications of MM, followed by an extended Q&A with the panelists answering questions gathered from the animation community of GDC 2025 & from an open form published earlier.

Perhaps the d20 will also make an appearance...


Attendees will leave with some bits of advice from folks who have been working with MM for years, and have the opportunity to ask about the technical details that drive the technology.

Intended Audience

The intended audience is wide, though it will be themed around MM - if your studio is new to the technology or you are interested in applying it on your project, this will be a session to join!

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