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Are You Missing 10% of the Market?

Elina Arponen  (CEO, Co-Founder, Quicksave Interactive)

Location: Room 2016, West Hall

Date: Thursday, March 20

Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Business & Marketing

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

In this talk, Elina Arponen presents the realities of what it is to develop games for the fast moving HTML5 games market. She shows practical examples from both the advantages and disadvantages of the sector, especially when it comes to business viability and the trinity of acquisition-retention-monetization. Actual technical development of a web/HTML5/WebGL based game is only briefly touched upon. The presentation also covers the current state (and bit of the history!) of the available HTML5 game distribution platforms. These distribution platforms have a major role in shaping up the market. At the end overall market size, growth and main drivers are discussed.


Attendees will gain knowledge of the HTML5 games market through practical examples and will learn how user acquisition, retention and monetization work in the sector. The presentation will also go through how the distribution platforms have evolved and what is currently available.

Intended Audience

The intended audience is for those who are curious to learn more about the web / HTML5 / WebGL market for games, this talk is for you. Elina Arponen has been working with various HTML5 based gaming platforms for 10 years, half of her career in gaming. She will share her knowledge about the available platforms, business realities and tips for success.

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