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Ask Game Lawyers Anything Roundtable Day 2

Ryan Black  (Partner; Chair, EGVC, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP)

Micaela Mantegna  (Abogamer, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University)

Brandon Huffman  (Managing Attorney, Odin Law and Media)

Angelo Alcid  (Senior Corporate Counsel, Gaming, Microsoft Corp.)

Yan Perng  (Counsel, Games Legal, Netflix)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Business & Marketing

Format: Roundtable

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

This roundtable session allows you to ask any burning legal questions* you may have from a group of industry lawyers.

This is a group of video game and esports enthusiasts who happen to be lawyers. They met at PAX, GDC and other video game and lawyer conventions (yes, video game lawyer conventions are a thing) and have been speaking for years about legal topics near and dear to our favourite digital pastime. The topics to be discussed if nobody's brave: influencer advertising; loot boxes; IP law; corp stuff; the rise of AI; web3; trademarks and other intellectual property; but we'd love to answer YOUR questions and give out legal info on video game and law topics.

* The speakers can't give specific legal advice; and aren't insured for that! Use hypotheticals, people! Of course there's a disclaimer here... we are lawyers, after all.


An engaging and entertaining look inside the discussions video game lawyers have with clients, as well as an appreciation of the issues that arise in games. Above all else, talking to lawyers can be scary and we want to demystify that! Getting good legal advice is critical to games success.

Intended Audience

Anyone interested in the games business!

Connecting the Global Game Development Community