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Bear Hugs and Dev Tears: Building Stories for 'Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit'

Alicia Fortier  (Lead Game Designer, Spry Fox, Netflix Games)

Jamie Antonisse  (Narrative Lead, Spry Fox, Netflix Games)

Location: Room 3004, West Hall

Date: Thursday, March 20

Time: 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Design

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Ever wonder how a fully remote team creates a game just as likely to serve a hearty chuckle as it is to pull on your tender heartstrings? Gather by the metaphorical campfire with the team behind Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit as they describe their creative journey blending game design and narrative.

They reveal how they balance big ideas with practical steps all while maintaining the unique tone of the original game. How do you plan out 500 quests over 4 months of daily content yet still leave room for creative inspiration and flair? Attendees see concrete examples on practical documentation, and gain insight into the reasoning behind their decisions, including reflections on their effectiveness.


Attendees will learn how Cozy Grove Camp spirit managed their creative process to gel high-level direction into a large volume of quests, while leaving room for opportunistic creativity. By sharing real documentation examples they highlight both successes and challenges, offering valuable insights and approaches for attendees to apply within their own teams.

Intended Audience

This presentation offers valuable insights for leaders and individual contributors in game design, narrative, and artistic disciplines. Producers and other cross-disciplinary facilitators will also benefit, especially those committed to fostering creative collaboration within their teams.

Connecting the Global Game Development Community