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Preempting Challenges in AAA Unreal Engine Development (Presented by Epic Games)

Chris Murphy  (Senior Technical Artist, Epic Games)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Summits Pass, Expo Pass, Audio Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Programming

Format: Sponsored Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

Three hundred talented people can work together, support each other, yet still miss something and make a mistake. This talk aims to break down common misconceptions, mistakes, and important considerations for AAA teams leveraging Unreal Engine for large-scale projects.


Attendees will leave with a better understanding of various features and nuances involved in developing with Unreal Engine and common pitfalls to avoid.

Intended Audience

Experienced teams moving into Unreal Engine that are looking for a sense of what to leverage and what to avoid.

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