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Controlled Chaos in the Writer's Room of '1000xRESIST'

Remy Siu  (Founder / Creative Director, sunset visitor)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Design

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

A deep dive into the writing process undertaken to create the indie narrative game, 1000xRESIST. This talk will cover how the developers adapted their previous experience in the experimental performing arts to serve them during game development.

Inspired by TV writer's rooms and contemporary dance rehearsals, the 1000xRESIST team formed a way of working called the "Devised Writer's Room," that allowed them to tackle wide thematic subject matter while also providing mystery and intrigue for the player. These processes foreground flexibility and a closeness to the material, while also drawing out the lived experiences of its participants.

Discover how the "Devised Writer's Room" created an organic storytelling environment...and all the risks that came with it.


Learn about how a writing process informed by the experimental performing arts crafted a narrative full of twists, mystery, and thematic resonance in 1000xRESIST.

Intended Audience

Intended audience: Writers, Narrative Designers, Game Designers, or anyone with an interest in video game narratives. No prerequisite knowledge is necessary.

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