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Cosplay as a Game Artist

Hannah Mackintosh  (Artist, Cerebralfix)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Visual Arts

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Are you looking for ways to add more world building and context to your characters and games? Well, look no further than talking to a Cosplayer to get the inside scoop on how your current designs hold up when translated into the physical space. This talk will go over how learning about clothing and picking up cosplay can improve your own character designs and worldbuilding, cross industry skills, and what cosplayers want artists to know about our craft.


Attendees will take away a greater understanding and appreciation for how their characters and games are viewed through the lens of a cosplayer. They will be inspired to not look at clothing quite in the same way again, and appreciate the hidden narrative woven throughout. While this is directed at creatives, anyone with an interest in cosplay from a hobby or promotional standing will be able to find value.

Intended Audience

This talk is aimed at creatives who want to learn more about how fashion and cosplay can help elevate and contextualize their characters and games!

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