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'Delta Force': Performant High-Quality Terrain and Biome Technology for PC and Mobile

Hang Jiao  (Engine Team Lead, Tencent Games)

Lichuan Wang  (Technical Art Team Lead, Tencent Games)

Location: Room 2018, West Hall

Date: Friday, March 21

Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Programming

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Delta Force games are committed to providing the ultimate gaming experience for both PC and mobile platforms. The development team has made significant progress in mobile game development techniques, allowing them to approach the quality of PC games. With only one set of art assets produced, they can achieve satisfactory performance on both PC and mobile platforms. This presentation delves into technical sharing in areas such as terrain and biome rendering, dual-platform performance optimization and adaptation, and workflow.


Participants learn how to reduce the quality gap between platforms in cross-platform projects through the description of practical solutions. Both PC and mobile games can use a unified production method, thereby reducing production and maintenance costs.

Intended Audience

Mobile game rendering programmers, or programmers with cross-platform development requirements for both PC and mobile games.

Connecting the Global Game Development Community