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'Diablo Immortal': Pioneering 8-Player Boss Raids with Commonsense Cooperative Play

Shuai Qiao  (Senior Designer, NetEase Games)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Design

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Compared to previous Diablo games, we introduced the innovative 8-player team Boss raid in Diablo Immortal. This module serves as the core PVE challenge of the game. This presentation will share the design philosophy changes and practical effects of the multiplayer Boss raid in Diablo Immortal, and how we have been able to consistently produce high-quality Bosses in a collaborative development model while pushing creative boundaries.


This session will highlight practical strategies for balancing creativity and functionality in cooperative boss design, leveraging design philosophies and insights hard-earned from over 25 unique bosses released since launch. Attendees will leave empowered with practical methods, frameworks and data-backed examples, that will empower them to create compelling cooperative PVE boss encounters.

Intended Audience

Perfect for level and content designers, this talk is a must-attend for anyone looking to push the boundaries of cooperative gameplay and boss encounter design.

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