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Economic Policy and Ecosystem Workshop

Jason Della Rocca  (Co-Founder, Execution Labs)

Kristian Roberts  (CEO & Managing Director, Nordicity)

Per Stromback  (Managing Director, Dataspelsbranschen)

Hugo Obi  (Founder & CEO, Maliyo Games)

Chantelle Cole  (Programme Director, NZ On Air)

Rik Leenknegt  (General Manager, Flanders Game Hub)

Rodrigo Carneiro  (Head of Accelerator, AbraGames)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Business & Marketing

Format: Workshop

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

The game industry is an engine of economic opportunity. Success can come from anywhere! Governments around the world are eager to encourage the creation of game-related jobs, businesses and IP. This workshop will explore how governments, economic development agencies, and industry associations can work together to support the growth of their local industry and set investment policies and strategies that make a true, lasting impact. The workshop will be conducted in a hands-on format, incorporating expert lectures, practical case studies, and interactive group sessions.

Particular attention will be given to understanding the developer journey – from raw talent to a scaling studio. It will explore how to identify ecosystem gaps that unintentionally serve as offramps for both talent and companies. We will also explore the global shift to evidence-based investing and the critical impact that has on regional funding and support schemes, as well as look at outcomes of various support strategies.


Workshop participants will walk away with practical examples of how their ongoing efforts can best generate economic impact and support game industry success. Further, attendees will have a rare opportunity to connect with (and be inspired by) their peers doing similar ecosystem and economic policy work around the world.

Intended Audience

This workshop is intended for government representatives, economic
development agencies, and industry associations that are focused on supporting and growing their regional game industry. Other industry leaders that are involved in such efforts as advisors, board members, and volunteers are welcome as well.

Connecting the Global Game Development Community