GDC 2025 Session Viewer
Educators Summit: Your School's Secret Weapon: Fostering Game Development Clubs
Innes Aitken (Student, Abertay University)
Allyssa De La Torre (Designer, Independent)
Anastasia Naydina (CSUN Alumni, CSUN)
Jonah Ryan (Student, University of California Santa Cruz)
Tad Leckman (Lecturer, University of California Santa Cruz)
Location: Room 3011, West Hall
Date: Tuesday, March 18
Time: 4:40 pm - 5:10 pm
Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!
Track: Educators
Format: Lecture
Vault Recording: TBD
Audience Level: All
Students across the globe attend game development clubs to get collaborative project experience while applying learned course skills and picking up new ones. We discuss the underutilized opportunity professors and faculty have to collaborate with game clubs to strengthen the student experience.
This micro talk panel provides a holistic perspective on game clubs from stories from students in Denmark, Quebec, Singapore, and 5 US states, student club leaders in California and Scotland, along with faculty, alumni, and industry perspectives. Together, these voices create a story of how game clubs are valuable to universities and students, then how any interested faculty member can help their campus's student game development club.
Attendees will leave with a to-do list of actionable items to help game development clubs on their campuses. They will also leave with an understanding of the return on investment providing game clubs support can give for faculties curriculum, students' learning, and university reputation.
Intended Audience
Professors and faculty who have an already existing game club at their university, but don't know how to help them!