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Effortless Game Testing with Planning Agents (Presented by Filuta AI)

Filip Dvorak  (CEO, Filuta AI)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Summits Pass, Expo Pass, Audio Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Programming

Format: Sponsored Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Filuta AI

Decades of research in Planning Agents for autonomous control in Earth’s orbit and Space started to be leveraged in industries on Earth, from healthcare and manufacturing up to automated gameplaying. In this talk, we show how Planning Agents can exponentially reduce efforts in maintaining test scripts, reduce the total time of game testing by an order of magnitude, continually evaluate the cognitive complexity of gameplay, and how automated domain synthesis and large language models minimize the efforts needed for integrating Planning Agents into games at any stage of development.

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