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Embracing Neurodiversity and Leadership in the Game Industry

Nathalie Mathe  (Professor, Northeastern University)

Sara M.E. Ventura  (Senior Producer / Neurodiversity ERG Global Lead, Zynga)

Stuart Massie  (Director of Release Management, SEGA)

Adam Clewes-Boyne  (Studio Director, BetaJester Ltd)

Anna Nguyen  (Senior Producer, Blind Squirrel Games)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Summits Pass, Expo Pass, Audio Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Advocacy

Format: Panel

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Join us to discover why embracing neurodiversity and leadership is crucial for building a more diverse, creative and resilient workforce and staying competitive in today’s evolving industry landscape. Learn how neurodivergent leaders are transforming the game industry by turning their unique traits into invaluable assets. This panel showcases influential figures who have successfully harnessed their neurodivergence into a driving force for innovation and improved studio performance. Listen to their success stories (and failures) and learn their strategies to manage neurodiverse teams effectively. Panelists explore studios' best practices and policies to foster a more neuro-inclusive environment and discuss how to scale up and launch company-wide initiatives.


Attendees will learn how to embrace neurodivergent talents to enhance creativity and leadership. They'll receive practical tips for managing neurodivergent teams and explore real examples of successful inclusive practices. They will discover how to scale up neuro-inclusive initiatives, making their studio more competitive and resilient in today’s game industry.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this panel includes game developers, team managers, leaders and CEOs, and human resources, diversity and inclusion staff members, as well as anyone interested in becoming a neurodivergent leader or managing neurodiverse teams. No prerequisite knowledge is needed.

Connecting the Global Game Development Community