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From 'Persona 5' to 'Metaphor: ReFantazio': Using UI to Establish the Visual Identity of a New Franchise

Koji Ise  (Lead Interface Designer, Atlus)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Visual Arts

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

This session will introduce the process of realizing the UI style of "Metaphor: ReFantazio." Lead interface designer Koji Ise will explain his approach to the art style, convey the importance of UI design to gameplay, explore some of the problems encountered during development, and explain how the team tried to differentiate Metaphor from Persona.


Attendees will learn the methods used to define the UI art style in "Metaphor: ReFantazio" with concrete examples. They will also understand the design of UI presentations that contribute to the play experience through examples of trial and error.

Intended Audience

• Individuals responsible for setting the art direction of a project
• UI designers
• Designers with limited game development experience

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