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Game AI Summit: LLM as Core Gameplay: Co-Creative Storytelling in '1001 Nights'

Yuqian Sun  (Founder & Director, Ada Eden)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Programming

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

As artists and indie developers, we have found that LLMs can bring otherwise impossible gameplay experiences around real-time interactive storytelling. How should we implement LLMs as creatively fulfilling core gameplay?

This talk shares insights from developing "1001 Nights", an experimental game inspired by Persian folklore, nominated for AMaze Awards and published papers around the AI system. The game gives players the magic power to turn stories into reality.

We will present everything we've learned and have been concerned about since 2020, from GPT-2 towards GPT-4, from an academic demo to a Steam game. This talk demonstrates how to craft consistent and engaging gameplay based on LLM. With LLM reasoning methods at the heart, this talk covers practical AI techniques for system architecture and prompt engineering. We also bring strategies for common challenges, including hallucination, jailbreak prevention, and expense saving.

This talk could benefit developers who are curious about generative AI with hands-on ideas and techniques.


Attendees will explore a case study in real-time, co-creative AI storytelling, with a focus on design aspects. They'll learn how narrative and creative design guides LLM implementation, specific techniques used, and potential pitfalls. This perspective from a non-funded indie developer/researcher offers an alternative and fresh viewpoint to that of large companies.

Intended Audience

This talk is for any developer who has an interest in using LLM in gameplay. It's especially valuable for those interested in practical AI implementation techniques around LLMs. No advanced technical knowledge is required, making it accessible to developers of all levels.

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