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Game Career Seminar: Career Trees: Growing Your Career Towards Your Goals

Jarryd Huntley  (Sr. Lead Optimization Engineer, Owlchemy Labs)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Summits Pass, Expo Pass, Audio Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass, Friday Only Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Game Career Development

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

When mapping a career path, conventional advice is to pick goals to work towards in a sequential manner. Life is rarely simple and in a straight manner, so creating a list of goals rarely results in a practical path to follow. Over the years I designed a way of mapping your career as a tree allows for much more flexibility, utility, and can help in planning. When you map your goals on a career tree it can be easy to define multiple career goals you may be working on simultaneously, to document how some goals may contribute to others, and it allows for much more flexibility in plotting your path in your career.


In this talk, Jarryd will provide an example of his career tree model, how his career looks as a career tree, and multiple ways to break down your career goals and mapping them out. This model can be applied to professional goals, personal goals, or even for learning skills.

Intended Audience

This talk is targeted at anyone who is looking to plan out their next career moves. Whether they be goals for after graduation, planning a career change, or learning a new professional skill. The career tree model is well suited to all types of scenarios.

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