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Game Career Seminar: Multiclass Your Career in Games

Amanda Farough  (Chief Multiclasser (COO), F-Squared)

Son M  (Creative Director & Co-Founder, Perfect Garbage)

Abubakar Salim  (Founder, Surgent Studios)

Liam Esler  (Managing Director, Summerfall Studios)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Summits Pass, Expo Pass, Audio Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass, Friday Only Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Game Career Development

Format: Panel

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

For years, every game developer has heard the push -- the rallying cry, really -- to find your specialty and stay there. There's wisdom in pursuing your craft to its heights, of course, but there's another subsection of this industry that doesn't fit in just one box and our experiences often go overlooked. They are the Multiclassers who have spent their careers embracing their multitudes, allowing them to discover the wide array of skills that make them who they are.

The panelists will provide perspectives on how being a Multiclasser in the game industry can uplift careers, challenge preconceptions of career development, and the strengths of nurturing disparate pieces of your career to build something greater. Join the Multiclass Crew!


Attendees will hear a variety of perspectives from four different Multiclassers combining business and creative disciplines, receive actionable advice for balancing a diverse skill set, and learn how to keep moving forward without losing their magic in an industry that often emphasizes extreme specialization.

Intended Audience

This talk is intended for those game developers -- the newly minted and veterans alike -- who have been struggling to find "their thing" in the game industry. All that's required is an open mind and a sense of curiosity.

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