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Game Career Seminar: The Japanese Game Industry: Getting Your Foot in the Door

Taichiro Miyazaki  (Vice President, CyberConnect2 Co.,Ltd.)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Summits Pass, Expo Pass, Audio Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass, Friday Only Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Game Career Development

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Japan is a content powerhouse for anime, manga, and other popular media! The country has countless game publishers and developers, with numerous game titles boasting passionate fans across the globe.

It's no surprise then, many people dream of one day working in a Japanese game company.

This seminar will explain what makes working in a Japanese game company so appealing and rewarding, as well as the unique challenges and difficulties that comes with it. CyberConnect2, with its 29 years of Japanese game development history, will guide attendees through the above topics and also offer information on how one can join a Japanese company from overseas and build a career from there.


Attendees will learn about the knowledge and skills necessary for working in a game company in Japan, as well as what Japanese game company cultures are like and how they differ from their foreign counterparts.

Intended Audience

People who love Japanese entertainment, game developers who wish to work in Japan, and anyone looking for information on what it would be like to work in Japan.

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