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Game Intelligence: Bringing the Player Voice to the Developers

Louise Jackson  (Associate Producer, Massive Entertainment – a Ubisoft Studio)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Production & Team Leadership

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Building AAA projects has never been more complex and player expectations are higher than ever - how can you ensure that you are correctly gauging those expectations and providing that data to developers so they can make informed decisions? In this talk, we will discuss how we at Massive Entertainment developed a team whose goal is to provide developers necessary/valuable player insights at every stage of the production process. We will cover what a Game Intelligence team is, how we operate, why trust is the foundation of everything we do and what impact our team has had on recent projects.


The attendees will learn best practices to organize a multi-disciplinary insight-based team within production, bringing actionable and impactful user experience learnings to the developers via combinations of user testing, analytics and machine-learning while also displaying the impact the Game Intelligence team has had on Massive Entertainment productions.

Intended Audience

This talk is aimed at developers who want to take advantage of player insights to successfully integrate an insight-based team into game production. While some understanding of analytics and user research is useful, the talk aims to be approachable to anyone with experience in game development.

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