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Game Narrative Summit: Get Serious About Writing Tools

Jurie Horneman  (Senior AI Programmer, Half Mermaid Productions)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Game Narrative

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Do you want your studio to buy, build, or improve existing writing tools? How do you talk to technical people and managers about this? What kind of objections might you run into? What is hard, and what is not?

Narrative pipelines are not that complicated, but basic knowledge is sometimes missing.

What are different approaches to writing tools? Is it better to build a tool, or to buy one? How do you make sure a given commercial tool is right for you? Why are some things you ask for hard? How do writing tools interact with VO and localization workflows?

This talk will answer those questions.


This talk will help writers and narrative designers, and the people they work with, navigate options, avoid pitfalls, make the right trade-offs and understand technical concerns around writing tools.

Intended Audience

Writers and narrative designers who want to improve the tools they work with. Programmers and managers who want to understand writing tools better.

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