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Game Narrative Summit: Heartthrobs and Heartaches: Creating Truly Irresistible Love Interests

Andrew Shvarts  (Head of Design, Candlelight Games)

Megan Schwarz  (Head of Narrative, Candlelight Games)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Game Narrative

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

When it comes to interactive romance, the love interest isn't just a character; they're the heartbeat of the story and the key to engaging players. In this talk, Megan Schwarz and Andrew Shvarts will draw upon their combined 25 years experience leading narrative on megahit romance titles like Choices: Stories You Play and High School Story to break down how to create love interests that players can't get enough of. By breaking down popular love interests we've created, we'll cover topics like understanding audience fantasies, crafting complex flawed characters, creating relationships that feel alive, and common pitfalls in interactive romance.


Attendees will gain expert insight into how to create compelling love interests with wide appeal. They'll learn how to craft complex, flawed characters that speak to player fantasies, and how to avoid common pitfalls in interactive romance.

Intended Audience

Our intended audience is game writers and narrative designers who are interested in writing interactive romance, both in the visual novel space and as a component of other games.

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