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Game Narrative Summit: My OC Writes IP: How Fanfiction Primes Us for Established Franchises

Emma Kidwell  (Writer, Firaxis)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Game Narrative

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

This talk looks at writing games tied to an intellectual property (IP) through the lens of fanfiction, and how to navigate writing for an established franchise while creating space to tell an original story. The talk also defines fanfiction and dives into its history, and covers how it primes writers to research and respect source material when it comes to established characters and worlds. To provide a real-world example, the talk will look at how Deadpool and Storm were adapted for Marvel's Midnight Suns DLC.


Attendees will be able to understand how fanfiction is used as a tool by writers to respect source material while also creating space to tell new, authentic stories. They will learn how constraints surrounding IP can lead to creative opportunities in their own storytelling.

Intended Audience

The intended audience is those who are interested in fanfiction, IP, and the intersection of video games and major franchises. There is no prerequisite knowledge necessary, all relevant words and history will be discussed and defined.

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