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G.A.N.G. Demo Derby: Music

Jason Hayes  (Studio Audio Director, Another Axiom Inc.)

Andrew Brassell  (Senior Audio Producer, Sound Lab a Keywords Studio)

Edouard Brenneisen  (Composer, EB Music LLC)

Paul Lipson  (SVP, Interactive Worldwide, Formosa Group)

John Robert Matz  (Composer, Independent)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Audio Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Audio

Format: Panel

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

The G.A.N.G. Music Demo Derby is a longstanding tradition at GDC, and has been a cornerstone event for new and emerging composers. Attendees can submit 60 seconds of their best work for a detailed critique and feedback from a team of leading audio directors and professionals, and participate in an active discussion with fellow panelists and audience members. The Derby facilitates game audio practitioners of all levels, and is suited for producers, composers, audio directors, and anyone interested in music for games and interactive entertainment.

Note that Participants in the Demo Derby must have a, Audio Pass or higher

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