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Independent Games Summit: Fostering a Culture of Clear Communication in Game Dev

Akash Thakkar  (Sound Designer, Thakkar Audio LLC)

Ryan Ike  (Composer, Independent)

Charlie Harper  (Producer/Designer, Galvanic Games Inc / Co-op Kitchen / Lucky Tree Studios)

Jess Erion  (Writer & Game Designer, Lucky Tree Studio / Independent)

Ziyad Duron  (Advanced Game Designer / Lead Game Designer, Schell Games / Co-op Kitchen)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Independent Games

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

What separates a good studio from a great one? In this panel, industry veterans Akash Thakkar, Jess Erion, Ryan Ike, Ziyad Duron, and Charlie Harper explore the deceptively complex answer to this question: communication. They demonstrate techniques for clear cross-disciplinary dialogue, avoiding jargon, and leveraging audio/visual examples for enhanced understanding. The panelists highlight the pivotal role of producers and share compelling stories of communication successes and failures. Attendees learn to build a supportive and enthusiastic studio dynamic, where motivation is high and creative spirals are a thing of the past. Through practical insights and engaging anecdotes, this panel equips developers with tools to bridge communication gaps, ultimately enhancing team collaboration and productivity. This session is essential for anyone looking to improve their project's communication dynamics and overall efficiency.


Attendees will gain strategies for improving cross-disciplinary communication, including how to avoid jargon, use visual aids, and recognize productive versus harmful silence. They'll learn how to empower through delegation, cultivate a team that knows when to ask for help, and other communication skills directly applicable to their game development projects.

Intended Audience

This session is ideal for intermediate game developers, project managers, and team leads looking to enhance cross-disciplinary communication. Attendees should have at least 4 years of experience in the field. No specific prerequisites are required, but familiarity with team dynamics and project workflows will be beneficial.

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