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Independent Games Summit: Releasing an "Evolving Demo": A Postmortem for 'Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles'

Tomas Sala  (Creator, Independent)

Location: Room 2009, West Hall

Date: Monday, March 18

Time: 1:20 pm - 1:50 pm

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass - Get your pass now!

Topic: Independent Games

Format: Session

Vault Recording: Video

Audience Level: All

"Why launching an evolving demo is a good idea, but not always" In this talk, solo developer Tomas Sala will do a brief post-mortem on the evolving demo he launched for The Falconeer: Bulwark.

He'll explain the difference between doing an evolving demo (a free experience that is updated and improved publicly) and a paid Early Access release, Sala will discuss pro's and cons of both scenario's and what motivated him to do this open development thru a steam demo.

He will discuss why the evolving demo worked great for his latest game, but why it might not be the best option for every game or even for every phase of development. Other developers can use his valuable insights to choose the best option for the game they are working on.


The audience gains insights into the effects of doing a free alternative "evolving demo" on production, design and how it influenced marketing for the game. Both positively and negatively. This information should help them when faced with their own choice in doing an Early Access release or an Evolving Demo.

Intended Audience

Any developer or publisher who is looking at exploring new options for the release roadmap for their games.

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