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Local Game Community Organizers Roundtable

Michael Lee  (Lead Gameplay Engineer, Another Axiom)

Sandra Castro Pinzon  (Executive Director, Tan Grande y Jugando)

Daniel Lin  (Principal Artist, Schell Games)

Nickie Maxine  (Creative Director and Game Designer, SIDIA - Institute of Science and Technology)

Location: Room 312, South Hall

Date: Friday, March 21

Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Summits Pass, Expo Pass, Audio Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Advocacy

Format: Roundtable

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

The Local Game Community Organizes roundtable is for people who are currently organizing events and communities in their areas for independent or professional game developers or people who are looking to start a game developer community. Organizing events and meetups for your local game development community can be a fun and rewarding experience that creates lasting friendships and memories for both organizers and participants. In building those communities, the organizers can often find themselves without a community of their own to lean on for knowledge and support. This roundtable invites games industry community organizers of all experience levels to come together, meet one another, learn from each other's experience in building and growing their respective communities and forming the basis for a support network for organizers around the world. In this roundtable we will poll the group on topics that they are interested in discussing and then break into smaller groups based around those topics to have deeper discussions with the chance to switch groups to discuss different topics and make new connections.


Attendees will have the chance to meet game dev community organizers from around the world, share their experiences with each other and start building a support network to lean on as they grow their local communities.

Intended Audience

This is for current and aspiring game developer community organizers who are looking to meet and learn from other organizers around the world.

Connecting the Global Game Development Community