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Machine Learning Summit: Next-Gen Infrastructure for Scalable AI/ML

Wah Loon Keng  (Senior AI Engineer, Electronic Arts)

Xin Gao  (Lead Product Manager, Electronic Arts)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Programming

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

This session delves into how Electronic Arts is innovating its AI/ML infrastructure to achieve three levels of scaling: scaling the people capable of using AI, scaling the application of AI across game development, and scaling the impact of AI on player experiences. The team will share how they are leveraging cutting-edge tools and infrastructure advancements at EA that accelerates AI adoption, reduces compute provisioning time, and streamlines deployment processes.


Attendees will gain insights into how these innovations are driving efficiency and enabling teams to deliver AI-powered features more quickly and effectively.

Intended Audience

This session is designed for game developers, technical leaders, and AI/ML professionals interested in innovating or optimizing AI infrastructure to scale AI/ML within the gaming industry. Attendees should have a basic understanding of AI/ML concepts, but no advanced technical knowledge is required.

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