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Making Games for Kids Roundtable Day 1

Carla Engelbrecht  (Founder & CEO, Betweened)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Design

Format: Roundtable

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Children are not just mini versions of adult gamers. Kids' gaming preferences and abilities are affected by their developing cognitive and physical abilities. Session 1 will focus on the design of games for kids, including considering children's development at different ages and the implications for game mechanics, design, and story development. Session 2 will focus on marketing, discovery, and business models. When the target audience is children is always tricky. But it's not impossible!


Attendees will take away practical learnings from industry peers related to all aspects of interactive product development, not limited to developmental psychology milestones, best practices for game design for kids, and business management.

Intended Audience

Any and all who make games and interactive products for children (under 15) or aspire to do so!

Connecting the Global Game Development Community