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Making Player Data Work in Post-Launch Roundtable Day 3

Seb Long  (Managing Director, Player Research)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Production & Team Leadership

Format: Roundtable

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

The role of player feedback in game development can be divisive and complex. Some studios totally embrace players' engagement in design through early access, open development, routine user research, and community engagement. Other studios limit player feedback to just post-launch, or perhaps dismiss feedback completely.

How can teams use the 'voice of the player' rationally, effectively and deliberately?

Are there challenges you face that player feedback could overcome?

Can you make a greater success of the feedback you already have?

How does the 'voice' of player data change through development?

These three roundtables present a valuable opportunity to surface your challenges, viewpoints and experience on the use of player feedback to inform game design. Learn from the experiences of fellow designers, researchers, data scientists, community and player champions, and take away new ideas and perspectives on the value of players' voice in design decision-making.


An open discussion on approaches, lessons, challenges and opportunities in the use of player feedback. Bring your questions on how to capture, comprehend, action and measure the impact of insights from real players.

Each of three roundtables covers a differing phase of game development.

Intended Audience

Game designers, producers and quality-owners with advice and opportunities. Researchers, data scientists, accessibility and community advocates with practical experience of player research, seeking broader horizons and a chance to learn from the successes of others.

Connecting the Global Game Development Community