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Monument Valley 3: Understanding the Past to Create a Modern Sequel

Emily Brown  (Lead Designer, ustwo games)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Design

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Emily's talk will be a journey into making a sequel in the Monument Valley series from a design perspective. The original Monument Valley 1 and 2 were games that featured in museums. Emily will describe the process the team took to understand the impact and strengths of the original games and the team's creative approach to make something just as impactful.

The talk will share working practices and creative processes using images of early prototypes, documents, workshops, miros and various artifacts from the journey.

Emily will detail the methods for understanding the past in order to create a worthy sequel.


Attendees will gain an understanding of the process used to make a sequel to the iconic Monument Valley series 10 years on. They will learn the methods used to understand the original experience and make something just as impactful. It will be of interest to designers and those creating sequels.

Intended Audience

Designers and creators who want some insight into the process of making a sequel to a highly acclaimed game many years after its original release and success. Especially of interest to people who may be approaching a sequel with a team that did not work on the original.

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