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Multiclassing: Switching from Lead Designer to Executive Producer

Brett Norton  (Executive Producer, Oxide Interactive)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Production & Team Leadership

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Transitioning from a Design role to a Production role can be tough, especially when it's at one of the highest levels of team operations. Where should your focus be? How much time is spent on your internal operations vs. external operations? When you can focus on anything, the challenge becomes focusing on the best thing for the project and team.

In this presentation, we'll explore the transition into a leading production role, the responsibilities of the new job, and most importantly, how those responsibilities change over the course of years as the team changes. This will be an honest look at stark realities that producers often have to deal with, such as staff resigning, shifting project goals, and other circumstances beyond your direct control.


Strategies for producers to develop, and evolve, their operational focuses when faced with having more problems than time.

Intended Audience

Target is mostly producers, managers, and other leads that operate at a level where their operating focus is somewhat ambiguous and they are faced with more problems than with which they have time to deal.

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