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Navigating the Landscape of Digital Safety: Legal, Product, and Operational Insights (Presented By Perkins Coie)

Ryan Mrazik  (Partner, Perkins Coie LLP)

Natasha Almani  (Attorney, Perkins Coie LLP)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Summits Pass, Expo Pass, Audio Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Business & Marketing, Programming

Format: Sponsored Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

The safety of users in online games, platforms, and services has become front page news with ever-increasing pressure from the press, regulators, legislators, and courts. This session will cover the latest developments in online safety: the newest laws and legal frameworks, recent decisions from courts that affect your company's legal risk profile, and the push to have online companies include safety assessments and design principles while launching and maintaining their games and services. The panelists are representatives from digital gaming companies who work daily on these online safety issues and are navigating the legal risks, product development processes, and operational issues associated with the continuing rise of internet safety.

Speakers will include outside counsel from Perkins Coie LLP who work on online safety issues will facilitate a panel of in-house product and legal professionals from digital gaming companies who identify, triage, and implement safety issues.


Stay Ahead of the Game: Get the latest on laws, press coverage, court decisions, and regulatory updates.
Actionable Strategies: Learn practical tips for identifying, prioritizing, and implementing safety measures.
Comprehensive Toolkit: Walk away with a robust framework to help you manage safety and legal risks effectively.

Intended Audience

Digital gaming companies both large and small. Developers interested in the business and legal side of digital gaming. Entrepreneurs and in house legal professionals.

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