GDC 2025 Session Viewer
Serving Players' Needs: A New Look at What Players Want
Andrew Pappas (Marketing Consultant, RenGen Marketing)
Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!
Track: Business & Marketing
Format: Lecture
Vault Recording: TBD
Audience Level: All
Game creators often struggle to stand out in a competitive market, but the challenge goes beyond market saturation or discoverability issues.
The root of the problem lies in how we oversimplify players, reducing them to their in-game characteristics.
Tackling what we think we know about game markets and audiences, we break down the process and examine how we apply market and audience information. By using a framework that focuses on a more empathetic approach, new methods and strategies reveal how game creators can identify missed opportunities in any market by addressing players' broader needs.
Discover processes that identify valuable insights that go beyond player's gaming behaviors and preferences. Learn how to apply them so you can make more meaningful decisions in development and marketing efforts while creating experiences that are fulfilling for both you and your players.
Attendees will walk away with actionable insights and a simple framework outlining how to better address players' broader needs.
Supporting examples and easy-to-follow processes will show how to understand the market better, connect with audiences, and apply those insights to their projects.
Intended Audience
Anyone currently in early development or planning their next project will benefit from this presentation.
Those in mid-development will benefit from some of the processes outlined, as they can help inform approaches to marketing strategies and some development decisions.