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So You Have a Fandom: Respecting and Understanding Fan Communities

Megan Roche  (Product Manager, Pocket Gems)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Business & Marketing, Production & Team Leadership

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Everyones a fan of something, and finding ways to connect over shared love – or shared hate – is a tale as old as time. But what happens when the thing a bunch of people are loving, hating, and talking about is… your game?

Using Episode, a mobile storytelling platform, as a case study, this session will work to provide a look at developing and maintaining a successful game with an active fandom.

This talk dives deep into modern fandoms and why they're worth fostering and respecting. Beginning with an overview of what fandoms are and where they come from, the session explores what sort of fan dynamics exist online today and the impact fandoms have on games.


Attendees learn what fandoms are and how they form; why a fandom is worth cultivating as a product resource and how healthy fan engagement can prolong the life of your game; and how to engage with these communities in delightful, productive ways.

Intended Audience

This talk is open to everyone and there is no prerequisite knowledge, but community, design, or product team members that engage with players will find it the most useful.

Connecting the Global Game Development Community