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You will be able to build your schedule with the GDC Mobile App. The GDC 2024 app will be available for download in Apple Apps and Google Play late February 2024.Sessions do fill up and seating is first come, first serve, so arrive early to sessions that you would like to attend. Adding a session to your schedule does not guarantee you a seat.
Chris Zukowski (Creative Director, How To Market A Game)
Location: Room 207, South Hall
Date: Thursday, March 21
Time: 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!
Topic: Business & Marketing
Format: Session
Vault Recording: Video
Audience Level: All
For indie game developers publishing their games on Steam, a new strategy has emerged that greatly increases their visibility by relying on rapidly created demos, festival and stream coverage, and targeted social posts. This talk outlines how you can learn from these brilliant developers to market your own game.
Attendees will see real-world examples of successful marketing campaigns so that you can see step-by-step how they managed to become successful. Statistics are presented from other indie games so you can get an understanding of what is typical and what is above average. You will come away with actions that you can take to improve your game's marketing.
This talk is focused on game developers publishing a PC game on Steam. The content applies to brand-new developers working on their first game, developers migrating from mobile and console development to PC, and experienced PC developers who want to stay current with the latest marketing techniques.