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Surface Gradients: The New Normal in Realtime Bump Mapping Workflows

Sean Sherwin  (Creative Director, Unity Technologies)

Location: Room 2001, West Hall

Date: Thursday, March 20

Time: 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Visual Arts

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Advanced

Sean Sherwin will be combining the surface gradient bump mapping framework with new production content ideas to show what's possible with the surface gradient framework. This will straddle art disciplines and is for character and environment artists looking to achieve unprecedented level of detail in their work within a realtime engine. He will explore how to exploit the framework to have scalable content production solutions. Enabling artists to have a flexible bump mapping workflow in engine that can save them time, memory and increase quality. Artist will feel like they've been working in black and white and are now being exposed to color.


Attendees will be exposed to new cutting edges technics and technology that will increase the visual fidelity of their work. And open them up to new possibilities on how to tackle age old problems in realtime graphics

Intended Audience

The intended audience is for artists who are early adopters of new technics, working in realtime and technical artists looking to setup new content pipelines for their emerging projects.

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