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You will be able to build your schedule with the GDC Mobile App. The GDC 2024 app will be available for download in Apple Apps and Google Play late February 2024.Sessions do fill up and seating is first come, first serve, so arrive early to sessions that you would like to attend. Adding a session to your schedule does not guarantee you a seat.
Karel Crombecq (Lead Developer, Briganti)
Location: Room 3004, West Hall
Date: Monday, March 18
Time: 4:40 pm - 5:10 pm
Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!
Topic: Design
Format: Session
Vault Recording: Video
Audience Level: All
In 2021, artist Wim De Hert proposed a wild idea to a friend: "What if we do Townscaper, but for Dungeon Masters? What if we use procedural generation technology so anyone can easily make high-quality fantasy maps to use in their tabletop RPGs, and they can do this in minutes instead of hours?"
In this talk, the lead developer of Dungeon Alchemist takes you on the journey that started with this simple idea and resulted in one of the most successful Kickstarters of all time (> $3M raised) and in an Overwhelmingly Positive rating on Steam with continuously high sales and a vibrant, positive community. It's the story of how combining digital technology with tabletop RPGs changed the way people play and make games.
Attendees will learn how approaching an old, stagnant concept from a novel angle can change the game, and how tabletop designers and video game developers can leverage this new technology in their new work.
This talk is for anyone interested in tabletop RPGs or board games in general, but also for anyone interested in combining digital technology with tabletop games, or people who might be interested in using Dungeon Alchemist for their own commercial projects.