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Technical Artist Summit: 'Dragon's Dogma 2': The Hidden World of Rigging and Cloth Simulation

Petr Zapotocky  (Rigging Technical Director, Capcom)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Visual Arts

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

In order to support a title with as flexible specifications as Dragon's Dogma 2, Petr will take a look at how Capcom modified the internal rigging system, and how he decided to approach rigging the human characters with a flexible character editor in mind. Petr will go over the rigging flow that a character goes through, and how it differs, when a character is subjected to the needs of a Character Editor.

An introduction of character editing into the usual mix, presents other challenges when moving cloth is in question, so he'll cover how they have improved the in-house cloth simulation system in the engine, and how the team approached setting up cloth simulation for the characters in the world of Dragon's Dogma 2.


Attendees will leave the session with knowledge of Capcom's approach to rigging, and the intricacies of a workflow when intense character edit is added to the mix. Attendees will also learn about Capcom's take on cloth and hair simulation for Dragon's Dogma 2.

Intended Audience

For aspiring and experienced rigging/cloth artists alike, who want to learn more about rigging and cloth simulation workflows.

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