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The ECS Behind 'Space Marine 2'

Sergei Avdeev  (Engine Technical Director, Saber Interactive)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Programming

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

The session explores the development of a custom Entity Component System (ECS) built for Space Marine 2 to create hordes of enemies and other details in the game. The talk will cover many practical challenges of converting a traditional OO engine to include ECS features, as well as explore how to design your own ECS from the ground up to suit your game.


Attendees will gain insights into the architectural decisions behind the custom ECS used in Space Marine 2, including its design, messaging system, unique job scheduler and deterministic synchronization model. They will learn about its integration with classic OOP approach, highlighting its effectiveness in creating dynamic and scalable gameplay.

Intended Audience

The presentation targets game developers, software engineers, and technical directors interested in advanced game architecture. Attendees benefit from understanding ECS design principles and performance optimization. Prerequisite knowledge includes basic programming concepts, familiarity with game development, and understanding of object-oriented programming and ECS fundamentals to fully grasp the presented concepts.

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