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The Impact of Implementing Core Values

Colin Walder  (Engineering Director, Management and Audio, CD PROJEKT RED)

Marta Wozniak  (HR Partner, CD PROJEKT RED)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Production & Team Leadership

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

In this talk, Colin Walder and Marta Wozniak describe the role that core values play in building organizational health and why it is vital that managers and executives pay attention to them. When given proper attention, they can be the glue that holds your teams together, even as they grow. When ignored and left untended, they can pull your teams apart. Colin and Marta describe the different types of values that managers should keep in mind and the process used by the Tech team at CD PROJEKT RED to find and refine their core values. Each of the five core values is presented along with examples of how they connect to the "real world". Finally, Colin and Marta outline what managers and HR must do in practice, and how they must work together, in order to implement and establish the values they have found.


Attendees will gain an understanding of the different types of values they may encounter, and why it is important that they pay attention to their core values. They will learn how to first find and then implement core values in their teams in order to build a healthy organization.

Intended Audience

This talk is intended for leaders, managers and executives who are interested in developing cohesive teams and cultivating the advantages of a healthy organization and is relevant for people at any stage of their management journey.

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