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The Product Manager's Guide to Strategic Game Teardowns

Oindrila Mandal  (Senior Product Manager, Electronic Arts)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Business & Marketing

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Analyzing video games and creating game teardowns is an essential skill for any product manager (PM), as well as any business professional working in the games industry. However, while analyzing a game, PMs spend far too much time grinding through the game. As a result, not enough time or resources are available to actually understand and evaluate the game's critical success factors. This session will describe quick and easy techniques on how to tear down and analyze a game for maximum impact and efficiency. You don't need to beat a game to figure out what it's all about. The session will demonstrate strategic product analysis techniques to accelerate the process of creating game teardowns and extracting actionable insights for your business.


Attendees will learn how to accelerate the game teardown process. They will learn how game teardowns can be made more impactful by clearly defining the intent of the teardown, narrowing down the scope of research, extracting data driven insights and recommending actionable strategies for product improvements.

Intended Audience

This session will be useful for Product Managers, as well as Product Strategists, LiveOps Experts, Product Marketers, Brand Marketers, Business Developers and other business professionals in the games industry. It will also be useful for games industry aspirants who are trying to build a portfolio of game teardowns.

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