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Tool Design Roundtable Day 1: Design and UX

Robin-Yann Storm  (Product & UX for Tools, Independent)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Design

Format: Roundtable

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

This Tool Design roundtable is about the UX of in-house and external toolsets. Come and meet, discuss, and find out what everyone has been doing with Tool Design in the last year.
Examples of topics discussed in previous years are:
1. What user experience techniques have you seen best fit for your toolsets?
2. Is classical UX applicable in tools, or is it very different?
3. What differences, if any, have tool service companies seen with their tool designs?
This years' questions may be different, or similar! Feel free to join, and ask.


Attendees will share their experiences, challenges, and successes with tool design. They can expect to leave with a list of actionable methodologies, and real world experiences from other teams, that your team can adopt and learn from to improve in-house tool design.

Intended Audience

This roundtable is intended for tool designers, producers, tool programmers, and technical artists who wish to discuss and improve the design and efficiency of in-house tool design.

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