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Tools Summit: Nodes and Native Code: DECIMA's Visual Programming for Every Discipline

Bryan Keiren  (Principal Game Tech Programmer, Guerrilla)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Programming

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

All games contain scripted logic, yet not every developer has an affinity for code. A visual programming framework can unlock a world of productivity for a wide range of developers, if the user experience is smooth enough. It can be used by multiple engine systems and doesn't have to come at the cost of performance.

In this session, Bryan Keiren, Principal Game Tech Programmer at Guerrilla, will tell you about how a visual programming framework for audio scripting became a blueprint for visual programming in other subsystems of Guerrilla's DECIMA engine such as animation, game logic, and shaders. The audience will be guided through which features helped to achieve fast creation and iteration times, how it enables content creators to independently debug their content, how the framework has scaled to multiple engine systems, and how it supports developers of all disciplines to code without writing code.


Attendees will learn how the DECIMA Engine succeeded in offering efficient, node-based visual programming to various disciplines including designers, artists, and programmers alike. Attendees will gain insight into how the system and powerful editor empowered developers of Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West to author and debug scripted content such as game logic, audio, visual effects, animation, and shaders.

Intended Audience

This presentation is intended for anyone interested in using or building visual no-code scripting or programming systems in their game or engine. Attendees do not require prerequisite knowledge for this presentation.

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