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Visual Effects Summit: Are You Visually Literate? Crafting Clear and Satisfying VFX

Rachel Quitevis  (VFX Artist, Beyond-FX)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Visual Arts

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

The player experience is directly affected by a game’s visual literacy. Successful VFX contributes directly to the success of game design across all genres, improving player comprehension, readability, responsiveness, immersion, and satisfaction. Satisfying visual effects encourage and reward a player, even guiding them to a path of progression. Properly-timed, singular frames of an animation can make the difference between a clear, impactful action and unsatisfying gameplay. But why is this so, and how do we make our visual effects work to this benefit? In this lecture, Rachel Quitevis of Beyond-FX will explore successful visual literacy in VFX, the principles at work, and how to apply them.


Attendees will obtain a clearer understanding of how to improve the visual literacy of their work, contributing directly to effective game design. VFX artists with little to no traditional animation experience will learn to evaluate their work with new eyes, being provided a set of principles to apply to the foundation of their approach to VFX.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this lecture are beginner to intermediate VFX artists. This may be especially beneficial for aspiring, new, and eagerly-developing VFX artists.

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