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Visual Effects Summit: Redefining Physical VFX Systems

Igor Chiang  (Senior Software Engineer, Havok)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Visual Arts

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

In the early stage of game design, it is important to identify which elements belong to VFX, and which are part of the rigid body system and can interact with gameplay. This distinction determines the flexibility of gameplay, interactivity, and artistic feel.

In this session, the contiguous spectrum between these two systems to unlock more gameplay options for designers and show how this understanding can enhance existing frameworks is explored. He will introduce a system that bridges VFX system and rigid body system, a system that supports team ASOBI in achieving unprecedentedly dynamic, interactive, and immersive gameplay with their latest Astro Bot game.


The audience will be inspired to utilize a system which combines performance of a VFX system and fidelity of a rigid body system and realize additional levels of immersive and interactive gameplay.

Intended Audience

This lecture is intended for designers and developers working with the VFX system or the physics system.

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