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Visual Effects Summit: The Marriage of GPU and CPU Particles: Creating VFX by Combining the Visual Effects Graph and the Built-in Particle System in Unity 3D

Shaoyong (Abel) Zhang  (Lead VFX Artist, Funplus games)

Yongchao Wen  (Sr. VFX Artist, Funplus Games)

Jinghua Jiang  (CTO , Funplus Games)

Chenlin Tong  (VFX Artist, Funplus Games)

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Visual Arts

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Explore the transformative impact of GPU particles in game development and learn how to seamlessly integrate them with CPU particles to create visually stunning and efficient visual effects in Unity 3D. This session will delve into the capabilities and advantages of Unity's Visual Effects Graph (VEG) and the built-in particle system, offering practical examples from the project "World-X" and addressing potential challenges and solutions when marrying CPU and GPU particles. Attendees will gain valuable insights into effectively leveraging GPU and CPU particles to elevate the quality and performance of visual effects in game development.


Attendees will gain valuable insights into leveraging Unity's Visual Effects Graph and the built-in particle system to create visually striking and efficient visual effects. They will learn how to seamlessly integrate GPU and CPU particles, leading to enhanced VFX quality and performance in game development.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this presentation includes game developers, VFX artists, and technical artists seeking to enhance their knowledge of GPU and CPU particles, and how to effectively integrate them for creating impactful visual effects in Unity 3D.

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