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Voice-Over Pipeline of 'Avowed' for the Weird and Wondrous Living Lands

Kaitlin Long  (Associate Producer, Obsidian Entertainment)

Daniel Chamberlin  (Senior Producer, Obsidian Entertainment)

Location: Room 3018, West Hall

Date: Thursday, March 20

Time: 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Audio Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Audio

Format: Lecture

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

Avowed had a gigantic amount of dialogue, spread across hundreds of unique characters that all needed great voice-over, in a very tight timeframe. Over 6 months, we had recorded over 45,000 lines of dialogue at high quality. This required a nuanced pipeline for: casting characters, editing conversations, scheduling actors, debriefing on the story and implementing all of this VO.

This talk will step through the Voice-Over process at Obsidian on Avowed. How our narrative pipeline is structured, how it interfaces with our tools and what this all looks like for an actor stepping into the booth. We'll cover what our goals were, the challenges we encountered and how everything ended up into the final product.


An in-depth look at Obsidian's Voice-Over recording methods used to fill out Avowed's world with hundreds of diverse characters ranging from companions with thousands of lines to guards and farmers. This session covers strategies for planning large-scale VO in a small time window, character casting, and overcoming unique challenges.

Intended Audience

Writers, producers and creative directors working on voice-over for games with a high number of words and/or characters.

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