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Strider AgostinelliHead of AI Research and DevelopmentLiveArena Technologies & AI SIG

Strider Agostinelli is a seasoned software engineer and technology leader with over 20 years of experience and 15 years in the Video Games Industry. Throughout his career, he has contributed to more than two dozen titles, collaborating with both indie developers and leading AAA studios such as Electronic Arts, Activision/Blizzard, and Square Enix. At Square Enix Ltd, he served as the Head of Technology during the Embracer Group acquisition in 2022. Strider's expertise lies in new technology, automation, and interactivity. He has worked on multiple acclaimed franchises, including Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Tomb Raider, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. His development of proprietary artificial intelligence and automation tools has resulted in the saving of hundreds of thousands of man-hours across various projects. Currently, Strider is the Chair of the International Game Developers Association's Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group (IGDA AI SIG) and serves as the Head of AI Research and Development for LiveArena Technologies. Through his leadership roles, Strider actively shapes the future of AI in gaming and beyond, advocating for advancements that prioritize creativity, efficiency, and ethical considerations.


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